Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sweet and simple

My sister brought over some cinnamon rolls this morning on her way to work. I love it when she spoils us with her delicious baked goods! The rolls were all arranged perfectly in a cake pan. All I had to do was pop them in the oven at 375 degrees for 20 minutes.

Hot and fresh cinnamon rolls right out of the oven!

They were yummy! Thanks, J!


  1. i looked at the pictures before i read the text. i was saying to myself, 'those cinnamon rolls look really familiar'. then i read and realized why.

  2. Yumm Yumm.. reminds me to bake some cinnamon muffins I have ready to make on my counter!

    Heehee..I told the girls about your blog and we are going to bombard you with comments about WHERE and WHAT WE ATE!!! >____<

    First up... We ate at CHEESECAKE Factory on Sun nite for Row's bday celebration. We had Sweet Corn Tamales, Kailua Pizza, Chipotle chicken penne, Chicken and mushroom pasta, Chicken madera, and finally to top off our feast... the new RED VELVET CHEESCAKE!!! oh yah.. it was YUMMY in the TUMMY ^_____^

    Until the next foodie event....

  3. Wow, looks so good. Wish I had a sister to bring me goodies. Oh, yeah. My sister's in Cali. Wouldn't work huh. :)
