Friday, March 5, 2010

Shoki Ramen House

Shoki Ramen House was highly recommended from several sources I read especially from GO RAMEN!  When hubs suggested we go there before heading to the airport, I was game.  I love ramen.  I think noodles are the best food invented ever!  Anyone who knows me know that I dream of traveling to Japan one day to admire the abundance of cherry blossoms in bloom and eat authentic ramen.  I am praying hard for that day to come.

We arrived at Shoki around noon and all the tables were already taken. We waited for about 10 minutes before we got seated.  The service was fast and the staff was friendly. We brought our baby nephew with us and they were quick to accommodate our needs.  You can order the ramen in different sizes - small, regular, or large.  Hubs ordered the combo mini curry rice with regular tan tan men, a spicy shoyu based broth with minced beef and goma (sesame seeds).  Japanese curry is normally sweet but this had an odd sourness to it.  It was weird.

My sister-in-law ordered the combo mini chashu (roast pork) rice with regular shio ramen, a sea-salt based broth.

I was almost tempted to order the soy milk ramen but I opted for the tan tan men instead.  My ramen was topped with spinach, menma (bamboo shoots), green onions, and seaweed.  I was kind of disappointed that it didn't come with chashu.  Overall, it was good but not better than Aloha Ramen in Seattle.  Anyone hungry for ramen?

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