Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Shanghai-style rice cakes

The first time I had Shanghai-style rice cakes I was instantly hooked and I knew I had to recreate this at home.   This is a great alternative to dukbokki (Korean spicy rice cakes) if you are not in the mood for something spicy.  Rice cakes can be very filling so for me this was more like a snack or appetizer.  First time I made this using shiitake mushrooms and my husband didn't like it.  This recipe just called for napa cabbage.  You can add any vegetables you desire.  I've seen bean sprouts, chives, and yu choi in some recipes I've searched.  This one is Henry approved so it's a keeper!

Shanghai-style rice cakes
From Use Real Butter


1 lb. oval rice cakes, thawed
1 medium napa cabbage, washed
5 green onions, julienned (I chopped mine)
3 T ginger, finely julienned
vegetable oil
salt to taste
1/2 lb. pork loin, cut into strips
3 T soy sauce
1 T sesame oil
1-2 T cornstarch
1/2 cup chicken broth


Soak the rice cakes in cold water for 30 minutes.  Cut the cabbage into 1-inch segments.  In a medium bowl, mix the pork, soy sauce, sesame oil, and cornstarch together until the pork in evenly coated.  In a large pan, heat oil, half of the ginger and green onions over high heat.  When the onions and ginger begin to sizzle, add the cabbage and saute.  Sprinkle a little salt to taste.  When the cabbage is almost cooked, remove it to a bowl.  Heat on high the remaining oil in the same pan and add the remaining ginger and green onions for a few seconds, add the pork and saute until the meat is nearly cooked through.  Pour the cabbage back into the pan and stir the pork and cabbage together.  Drain the rice cakes and add them to the pan along with  1/2 cup chicken broth.  Add more broth as needed or desired. Stir the contents of the pan around to prevent sticking.  When the rice cakes are soft and chewy, remove from heat immediately.  Serve hot.

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